XXI Century Latin America´s populism Threat or complement to democracy? Contributions for a state of affairs

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Cuitlahuac Alfonso Galaviz Miranda


There are different interpretations on the relationships between democracy and populism; on the one hand, it is mentioned that populist regimes centralize power in few people and has negative effects; on the other hand, it is pointed out that they include popular sectors (regularly excluded) in public decisions. Do populisms destroy or complement democracies? In this article I analyze and compare five researches with different answers (even opposed) to this question. By comparing positions, a vision that contributes to do more complex analyzes about the relationship between populism and democratic institutions and mechanisms is obtained.

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How to Cite
Galaviz Miranda, C. A. (2022). XXI Century Latin America´s populism: Threat or complement to democracy? Contributions for a state of affairs. Doxa. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 13(24). https://doi.org/10.52191/rdojs.2023.253
Ciencia política
Author Biography

Cuitlahuac Alfonso Galaviz Miranda, Instituto Mora

Profesor de Tiempo Completo en El Colegio de Morelos. Doctor en Estudios del Desarrollo. Problemas y perspectivas latinoamericanas por el Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luia Mora, maestro en Sociología Política por la misma Institución y licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Sonora. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores, nivel Candidato. Contacto: cuitlahuacgalaviz@hotmail.com 


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